Eating out should be a pleasurable experience, a chance to enjoy delicious food and good company. Yet, for many of us, it can also be fraught with anxiety and guilt, especially if we’re trying to make healthier choices. The good news is that with a few simple strategies, you can navigate restaurant menus with confidence and enjoy your meal without any of the usual stress.

Here are 5 tips for picking a meal when dining out:

Choose a Balanced Meal

Try and pick a dish that contains a combination of protein, carbohydrates, healthy fats, and fiber. Use the Canada Food Guide Plate model as inspiration!

Tips for adding extra fiber (think colourful veggies, whole grains) include:

  • Adding a side salad
  • Choosing ½ and ½, ask for half fries and half side salad!
  • Asking for extra veggies in your dish (eg. doubling the amount of vegetables in your teriyaki stir fry)
  • Asking if they have whole grain options (whole grain bread, pasta etc)

Don’t “Save Up” Calories:

Skipping meals or severely restricting calories in anticipation of eating out can backfire and lead to overeating. Instead, eat normally throughout the day to maintain a healthy balance and prevent excessive hunger when you arrive at the restaurant.

Choose Grilled Proteins

Ask for your protein source (chicken, tofu, fish) to be grilled rather than fried or breaded

Hydrate with Water

Start your meal with a glass of water, even if you plan to enjoy other beverages. Not only does staying hydrated support overall health, but it can also help you distinguish between hunger and thirst, preventing overeating.

Mindful Check-Ins

Throughout your meal, take regular pauses to check in with your body’s hunger and fullness signals. It can be easy to get caught up in catching up with friends, then you look down and you’ve ate your entire plate! When you get around halfway through your meal take a second to pause and check-in with how you’re feeling. Ask yourself these questions:

  • What physical sensations do you feel in your body? 
  • Do you feel hungry? 
  • Is there an emptiness in your belly?
  • Is there an absence of hunger? 
  • Do you feel full?

Remember, these tips are simply guidelines that you can choose to follow or not! Life is all about balance and some days that means ordering what you truly want and tossing the healthy eating guidelines to the side for the time being.  

If you are looking for more support with your nutrition, we would love to help! Not sure which of the registered dietitians on our team will best suit your needs? Book a free discovery call and we can help find the best fit for you and your nutrition needs.